Monthly Archives: January 2014

This Year SMO is fully accepted like it’s counterpart SEO, Agree?

Last year I have to say was definitely the year of SMO (social media optimization) acceptance. No longer were companies questioning whether or not to get involved in social media or to really get serious in beefing up their digital departments. It was the year of really diving into the social ocean and taking it on full speed ahead. Remember the time when we were really trying to figure out SEO? Businesses now understand it’s about pleasing Google and all the other search engines to lead consumers to their websites. With SEO  still being a big part of the digital pie businesses are understanding that SMO is about the people. And these people are turning to new media to see how others are interacting with their brands and services.

The questions of 2007-10 is social media a waste of time, are now irrelevant. Looking at the snippet of the Infographic I posted below you can truly see how social media has been adopted into our everyday lives.

What will you be doing new this year?


Tanesha White


Social Media Usage 2013


Source of Infographic: Search Engine Journal

Cheers to the New Year!

Cheers to the New Year!

It’s been an exciting year and its awesome to begin a new one. I can’t believe it, my blog is 7 years old now 🙂 time goes by like the blink of an eye. Looking back at some of my older posts it’s amazing to see how much things have evolved in the digital space.
I remember posting more about strategy and seo and now it’s evolved into more social media marketing. I wonder what the next 7 years or even just 2014 will have in store for us marketers…
Are there any new breakthroughs you hope to see this year?

By, Tanesha White
Your Diva 😉