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Social Media audit time, it’s not just tax season

How to do a social Media audit


Ahh tax season is in the air, smells horrible to me but Uncle Sam needs his money! On a brighter note this may be a perfect time to run an audit on social media strategy and profiles. Things are constantly changing in the Social world and it is very realistic that what was working 4 months ago just might be obsolete today. So running a social media audit should not be happening once a year it should be happening quarterly if not more frequently.

So what does a Social Media audit consist of?

First, a master list of all your social accounts with links and passwords etc. The easiest program to use is excel so everything is in columns and you can social meida checklistmake notes accordingly.

As you’re going through your list check the networks and do some competitive research on each one. For example look at your competitors Facebook page and see if anything has changed in their strategy. Are you seeing more engagement? Has there been a huge spike in fans? Are they running contests? These are all important things to look at, because this could be an indicator that you may need to get more aggressive especially since page post views have plummeted since October. Continue to use the same technique of research down your check list and don’t forget to make notes!

After you’ve done your competitor research take a look at all of your profiles.

Are they up to date? For example did you add a new location, or has your company offerings changed? Do you have a new logo or new website design? If so you want may want to have that looking consistent across the board.

Have their been updates to the social network? Have image sizes changed? Are hashtags still relevant or became relevant? Such as the changes in Facebook or Pinterest.

Syndication- This is important if you are syndicating social feeds throughout your network make sure they’re all working correctly. For example If you have tweets being syndicate to google Plus make sure they are being deciphered correctly. Sometimes characters from Twitter come over looking like code. When looking at syndication this is also a great time explore new sources. There are so many great social management tools out there today. Some of my top favorites are Buffer, IFTT, and of course Hootsuite. Some are better at one thing than the other so you may want to try to mix it up.

Lastly take a look at your social media content strategy. If you find that your social media content calendar is slightly boring incorporate some fun contest ideas. Social contest can really boost engagement and turn a boring social party into a blast again.

If you haven’t done a social media audit in a while this may be very time consuming at first. But remember to do these as often as you can so everything is always up to date. Especially in regards to the competitor research you should do this monthly because you may find a promotion or type of posting that received tons of engagement or vice a versa, you could take this a learn what the mistakes were and make it better.


Tanesha White

Your DigiDiva~

3 Steps to Creating a Social Content Strategy

Social content strategy is a pretty common place marketing term. It’s important to think about this because you can really drive business results and audience value with a well constructed compelling content strategy. Easy said right? I know a lot of small businesses that may look a deer in headlights right about now, but when it comes to creating a social content strategy it doesn’t have to be rocket science. Below are 3 steps to getting started.

1. Think like an Author content, content, content Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 4.07.29 PM

Sure content is king, but not all content is created equal. Think about what your objective is in your strategy, how are you going to inspire engagement, are you raising awareness, are you trying to convert leads. Also consider your brands goals whether it is to gain awareness on your products or services, or to maybe learn something about your target market or existing customers. Once you have answers to these questions you can start digging into your existing content library. Use things such as testimonials, launches, customer pics, blog posts etc. Be sure to have social measurements in place as well because you want to be able to see how your audience is reacting to your content.

2. Be an advocate of sharing Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 4.05.12 PM

Don’t have blinders on by only caring about your content. Part of having a social presence is being able to share great content with your fans and that means anything meaningful to your brand. This could be industry specific press releases, conversation in your industry, or news from business partners or vendors.


3. Be Engaging

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 4.10.27 PMSo often it seems like people forget that social media is about being social! Social media has given brands the opportunity to be real people instead of that cold brick and mortar location. Interact with your audience. If your small business follow a hashtag and create conversation around it. Follow threads and discussion from industry thought leaders or partners.



Happy Creating!

By, Tanesha White

One can of Hashtag Spam please, #nothankyou!

Now that Facebook has finally activated hashtags I’m hoping that this doesn’t open up a big can hashtag spam.  



I believe having the hashtags in Twitter were very helpful and the 140 character limit kept the hash under control minus the Dr.Oz weightloss miracle direct messages. But, I digress with that one! 

If businesses stay with the same mind set when using hashtags then carrying over utilization should be successful. When using a hashtag for business try to use one that is branded by you for example below is a screenshot from a client I have worked with. They are a pest control company. Their website is well branded as so it was very fitting to tag all of their useful tips with #stopzbugs. 



As you all know that hashtags are useful in grouping information around a topic, company, service, product, etc..  So as you see in this example it’s all the information that they have chosen to show using their hash. This will also be shown the same way in Facebook. 

Also be mindful when using broad keywords especially when you’re a business because all kinds of people could be using it in a negative context and it most likely won’t be something you want your brand associated with. Choose to use keywords specific to your industry for example, Scherzinger also used #termites, which links you to a feed that is full of pest industry related news so obviously relevant. 

So as you start to cross over and use hashtags in Facebook keep to the same methodologies and remember just because you have more characters to play with doesn’t mean to overcrowd your post with unnecessary hashtags. 

Your Diva,

Tanesha White

Infographic of the Week: 2012 Year of Integration

The one major thing I love about infographics is being able to see analytical numbers and all the nerdy data that comes along with the internet in a nice pretty picture. My pick for infographic of the week is this: 2012 The Year of Integration. As a user of the internet it really doesn’t occur how much information is being tracked about your profile or really how many times per day you’re exposed to user generated content. But, as a marketing professional I’m forced to dive into these numbers on daily basis to effectively make the right marketing decisions.Didl you know that 90% of the world’s data was just created within the last 2 years? This and many other interesting facts you will find here. Enjoy!




Infographic of the Week- Social Media Cheat Sheet

This week’s infographic will be a good help if you’re in the boat of wanting to get started with a social media plan, or even if you’ve been dabbling for a bit. I still get questions like, what social network should I start with, or what’s the function of this network, etc?  Thanks to Flowtown for creating this social media cheat sheet.




Get a Grip and Manage Your Social Here’s 20 Tools to Help.

Social media has become a main focus of marketing for small businesses especially seeing as how big brands have already embraced it. Social media is a an outlet  to allow businesses to listen to their customers and to know longer be just brick and mortar. It allows businesses to build a community around products or services, and to help expand markets. It’s clear that social media is valuable, but measuring social media ROI proves to be a challenge. Lucky for all of us that social media management tools have popped up as quickly as social media networks themselves.

Here’s a list of 20 free social media monitoring tools worth checking out:

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a web-based dashboard that allows you to monitor multiple social networks in one place. You can collaborate with fellow employees, schedule messages, and assign tasks to your team. It’s particularly great for managing multiple accounts on the same platform. This is one of my personal favorites.

2. Klout

Klout provides an influencer score based on your social media activity. Your Klout score is determined using over 400 variables. In addition to working on your own Klout score, you can look at your influences and who you influence to regularly share content that is of the highest quality from trusted sources.

3. TweetReach

Who is reading your tweets? How is it being shared? What is the measured impact of what you’re putting out there? TweetReach is a social analytics tool that helps you capture this valuable information.

4. TwentyFeet

TwentyFeet aggregates your activity from various social media platforms so you can get the full picture of your online presence. Then, you can determine which of your activities are most valuable.

5. Twitalyzer

Measure your impact, engagement, and influence on Twitter with this tool. They offer three plans, depending on your needs, Individual, Business and Agency, all at a very reasonable price. They do offer their three most popular reports for free, so just connect your Twitter account and start Twitalyzing.

6. PeerIndex

Use this tool to determine your online authority and who your online brand advocates are. Learn which topics are best for you to focus on and who to connect with to spread the word.

7. Facebook Insights

This dashboard gives you all of the analytics data related to your Facebook page so that you can track growth and impact. Use the Insights to better understand your followers and reach the right audience.

8. SocialMention

Track and measure who is talking about you, your company, your product, or any topic related to your industry. SocialMention pulls data from hundreds of social media services to give you the most accurate, real-time information.

9. SocialPointer

This tool allows you to track and monitor social mentions and respond in real-time. Find potential customers, listen to what your competitors are saying, and get immediate feedback about your business.

10. SocialBro

Manage and analyze your Twitter account with SocialBro. This tool gives you detailed information about your Twitter community so that you can interact with followers more efficiently and garner the best results.

11. FollowerWonk

This Twitter analytics service, now owned by SEOMoz, allows you to understand and sort your followers. Learn when your influential followers are most active so that you can select the best times to engage your community and to ensure you’re reaching the right people at the right time.

12. HowSociable

Measure your brand’s impact online with this tool that provides you with a magnitude score. The score analyzes your level of activity online so that you can determine whether you have enough of a presence.

13. Seesmic

Manage all of your business’ social media accounts in one place with Seesmic. Quickly view and respond to social activity in real-time even from your mobile devices.


This is a great tool for managing your conversations on social networks. provides you with valuable insights into the people you are talking to via social media and also gives you a place to track whether or not you’ve responded.

15. TweetDeck

Arrange feeds from all of your social networks in one place using the TweetDeck dashboard. You can also schedule tweets and set-up customizable feeds for your social search needs.

16. Brand Monitor

Track your brand across numerous social media sites. Find where conversations relevant to your business are taking place so that you can start becoming an active social media participant. Learn trending keywords and measure conversation engagement to help bring more valuable brand content to social media platforms.

17. Kred

Similar to Klout, Kred mines social data to give you a Kred score. The score is a combination of your influence and your outreach activity. Kred measures how often you tweet or post, how people interact with you, and the growth of your audience. Kred gives you a detailed breakdown of your score so that you know exactly where you should improve and the areas in social that are working well for your company.

18. Google Analytics Social Reports

Nicely integrated into your Google Analytics platform, Social Reports helps measure how social traffic is directly impacting your conversions. Using an overview of your social networks, this tool allows you to visualize your social traffic so that you know where your time is best spent in the social world.

19. TwitterCounter

TwitterCounter tracks Twitter users to give you statistics and usage information for your account. This service offers a very basic free package with graphical data, but you can pay a bit more for access to an account comparison feature, more updates, report exports, and more.

20. Topsy

This is a real-time social search engine. Sort through the latest social activity related to your industry, brand, or community and apply that knowledge to future business decisions.

Keep in mind there’s a lot of overlap in the services these social media monitoring tools provide. It’s most important that you find the tool that aligns with your business needs and personal preferences.

Do you use any of these services? Which ones are your favorite?




The Linkedin 10 Do’s and Don’ts

Whether you’re new to Linkedin or a veteran it’s always nice to have a refresher. 

1Do Upload a Professional Picture

This should be self-explanatory, but it is surprising how many starfish, cars, sunflowers,

people standing on the beach at sunset, and dogs we witness on LinkedIn

profiles. Honestly, who puts a picture of their dog on a professional networking

platform?The point of LinkedIn is to further your networking ability online as well as offline.

You want people to recognize you when you walk into a networking event. And

when you have a picture of your dog, that never happens. Upload a professional

picture to all platforms you are building your personal brand on, whether that is

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or your blog. We know you’ll want to be fun and

creative on those other sites, but don’t do it if you’re trying to create a professional


2Do Connect to Your Real Friends and Contacts

Just like we tell children not to talk to strangers, the same applies to your LinkedIn

profile. It’s crazy to see how many people connect with strangers all over the

world because they want to “build up” their network on LinkedIn. Connecting

to hundreds of strangers will NOT help your network in LinkedIn.

Remember, the value of LinkedIn comes in the quality of relationships you have, not the quantity.

Think of it this way: If you ever have to ask someone for an introduction to someone

else, it’s rather a big letdown to get a message back that says, “Oh, I don’t actually

know them; they’re just in my huge network.” People like this do not provide

real value, so don’t become one of them.


3Do Keep Your Profile Current

Let’s use an example for this. Erik is hanging out with Kyle, and there is a funky

smell coming from somewhere. Kyle asks Erik where that smell is coming from,

and Erik nonchalantly says he hasn’t changed clothes in three days. Does that

change the way Kyle is interacting with Erik? Of course!

Just like Erik neglected his appearance, the same concept applies to your LinkedIn

profile. If you neglect your profile, people will tend to forget and avoid you.


4Do Delete People Who Spam You

In life and in LinkedIn, there are bad apples. There are times when contacts or

connections abuse the system and spam your Inbox with some new multilevel marketing

scheme or a new product or service they’re selling. It’s polite to ask them to

stop and rethink their strategy. They could be new to this, and maybe they made a

mistake. But if they continue to abuse your connection, delete them. They’re wasting

your valuable time by making you wade through their mess. Get rid of them.


5Do Spend Some Time on Your Summary

Do you ever read an email, newspaper, or blog post when the headline is terrible?

Of course not. Your summary has the same effect on your LinkedIn profile. Be

extremely concise and specific when writing your summary. Get people excited

about reading your profile and connecting with you. Express your personal brand.

Express what you are passionate about. It may even be helpful to have a co-worker

or close connection review your summary.


6Don’t Use LinkedIn Like Facebook and Twitter

There is a time and place for professional and personal content when building

your personal brand. We have discussed the importance of having places for both.

LinkedIn is a professional network, and although it is important to share some

personal content, don’t use LinkedIn as a personal network. That’s what Facebook

is for.

7Don’t Sync LinkedIn with Twitter

Similarly, don’t automatically blend LinkedIn with Twitter. LinkedIn gives you the

applications and tools that allow you to connect your account with Twitter, which

means whenever you post a message to Twitter, it automatically posts to your status

update in LinkedIn.

Don’t do this. Ever. If you’re using Twitter correctly, you’re communicating with

connections, asking and answering questions, giving shout-outs to people across

the country, and even making plans for lunch. People on LinkedIn don’t want their

feeds disrupted by all your tweets.

Remember, too, that not everyone uses Twitter, so your colleagues on LinkedIn

may not know how to read some of the special characters and abbreviations

on Twitter.


8Don’t Decline Invitations. Archive Them

When a stranger asks you for a connection on LinkedIn, archive the invitation

instead of deleting it. There could be a time when you meet this person, and you

can refer to the previous invitation to connect with her. When a connection is

archived, it’s easier to keep track of it.

9Don’t Ask Everyone for Recommendations

There’s no hard and fast rule about the number of recommendations you should

have. There’s no minimum, and some people think there’s no maximum. Just

remember that not every recommendation is important.

You do need to have at least two recommendations to reach 100% completion of

your profile, but they need to be valuable recommendations. Here are a couple tips

to follow:

• Make sure you know the person—This seems obvious, but unfortunately

it is not. Basically, if you don’t know the person who’s asking

you for a recommendation, send her a nice note that says, “I don’t

know you!” You don’t need to give a recommendation to someone you

don’t know; similarly, you don’t need to accept one either.

• Ask your best clients—Happy clients are the best referral and recommendation

source for you. Make a list of 10 people to ask for a recommendation.

You don’t need 20 or 30 because 10 people talking about

you is more than enough to strengthen your LinkedIn profile and build

your personal brand.

10Don’t Forget to Use Spelling and Grammar Check

Do you use spelling and grammar check on your résumé? The same idea applies to

your LinkedIn profile. Remember, your profile is technically a résumé, and we’ve

all been taught that our résumés have to be laser perfect. Spell check everything!

Source: SocialMediaToday

Stengthen Your Localized SEO With Building Your Online Reputation

Now being back on the agency side of things. I’ve recently had to take a step back when approaching some of our small business partners. I take for granted assuming that all the “foundation” of a digital marketing strategy is already in place. Meaning that the website or virtual storefront- what I like to call it is well optimized, listings are all claimed and monitored. One key that I see many businesses not doing is localized SEO. The quickest way to strengthen your SEO is to claim your business listings and start to get reviews!

1) Reviews, not testimonials. Third party-hosted reviews have greater credibility with prospective customers and higher read rates than testimonials. Quotations from satisfied customers pasted onto your website look cherry-picked and are not the powerful conversion tool that 3rd party-hosted reviews are.

2) Quantity and quality. While most people only look at 2-3 reviews before deciding which business to use, that doesn’t mean that having just a handful of reviews is sufficient. According to a recent Search Engine Land study, the quantity of reviews that a business has is important because it gives users more confidence in the star ratings. The more review content you have, the less likely you will lose that potential customer. However, don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. Longer reviews are more credible.

3) Current, fresh review content. Prospective customers are looking for recent content. Make sure that you have a review from the current year or, better yet, the current month. People will search for your latest reviews and those reviews will be the ones frequently clicked on and read. Also, fresh content will actually help you rank better in search results. Prospective customers will be more likely to find and read your reviews online if you have recent ones.

4) Positive reviews should outnumber the negative. According to a recent survey, 52% of consumers said that positive online reviews make them more likely to use a local business. This doesn’t mean that negative reviews are a bad thing. If you have enough positive feedback, then negative reviews actually confer value because they show transparency and honesty, especially when you engage with your reviewers by commenting on those reviews.

5) Reviews in multiple places online. Reviews are the #1 factor someone will consider when choosing whether to use you over another company. So, it’s important that you make sure your reviews are in key places: on your website; indexing in Google and other major search engines; Facebook and Twitter; and local search sites like Google Places or Yahoo Local.

So keeps these 5 rules to online reputation close to mind when reviewing your goals this year.


Tanesha White